Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New battle cry for Texas

In case you’ve been in a hole for the past month or so, the Texas House of Representatives did everything it could live up to the image of a bunch of nincompoops sitting in a pool of gasoline and playing with matches.

The House voted 138-0 to pass HB 1937 to make it a “criminal act for security personnel to touch a person’s private areas without probably cause as a condition of travel or as a condition of entry into a public place.” The bill was headed to the Senate where it was expected to breeze through without much comment or nay votes.

Without much hesitation, the federal government stepped in and said that it would cancel all flights in order to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.

The government basically did what it had to do to: 1) Keep airports open, and 2) ensure safety of travelers and airline employees.

Of course, the blustering from legislators was at nuclear-force levels. Rep. David Simpson’s staff said the Department of Justice had “thrown down the gauntlet” in using start language to oppose the bill.

Are passengers supposed to be thrilled at airport pat-downs and scans? Absolutely not. So far, have they proven effective in maintaining security and safety of travelers? Yes, definitely.

Simpson, who is either planning a run for a higher state office, or is a goofy as an addled barn rat, actually compared the battle against the feds to the Texas revolutionary war against Mexico.

Somehow “Save our genitals from pat downs!” just does not have the short-term and long-term visceral impact as does “Remember the Alamo!”

Who are these people? And why do we care?

Amy Childs.

I know I’m supposed to know who she is.

January Jones, too. And Imogene Thomas, Kelly Rowland, Katie Price, Eva Herzigova, Scotty McCeery, Johnny Rockett, Bethenny Frankel, Lauren Conrad, Kim Kardashian and Ashley Simpson.

But, People Magazine love a duck, I don’t know these people. Well, not quite true, I have heard of Kim Kardashian. She’s the daughter of the Kardashian lawyer fellow who was O.J. Simpson’s good friend and was one of the trial lawyers who helped set up the scenario that put the murderer back on the street.

But the question is: Why is his daughter considered a celebrity?

People, Us, Galmour, Sluts R Them – all of the top chick lit magazines – tell me page after page that some people I have never heard of are celebrities. Some names I know, some I think I made have heard of, but most I don’t.

I know Paris Hilton because she’s rich and slutty and has been arrested umpteen times for being rich and slutty. I know Lindsey Lohan because she too is rich and slutty; she’s also a druggie and has made headlines by making slutty and druggie her profession.

I’m supposed to know Jennifer Rovero too, but I don’t. A former friend chided me because I didn’t know Jennifer Rovero was once Hilton’s girlfriend. I had not a clue who she was until the friend owned up to the fact Rovero’s a former Playboy playmate. Oh! That Jennifer Rovero! Why didn’t you say so?

When I was recently ranting about non-celebrity celebrities, someone told me Keeping up with the Kardashians was a TV reality show. I threw up in the back of my throat and wanted to take John Prine’s advice and blow up my TV. But then I heard that the Head Fem Kardashian was married to Bruce Jenner, a childhood friend of mine. You know, Olympic champion, fella on a Wheatie’s box!

So, I tuned in. Oh, my, Bruce! What have they done to ye? Someone should have told me that ol’ Bruce had died and the embalmer had messed up his face so badly it looks like the covering of a paper egg.

There comes a time when reality is no longer in my comfort zone and Bruce Jenner’s face proved to be my breaking point.

I cancelled my subscription to People. I took the refund and put it in my truck console. I only draw a little out time and again when I go to the supermarket and see that Us or People have a cover story on someone important … like Blanket Jackson.

He’s so cute!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh, the inhumanity ... and stupidity!

New battle cry for Texas

In case you’ve been in a hole for the past week or so, the Texas House of Representatives did everything it could live up to the image of a bunch of nincompoops sitting in a pool of gasoline and playing with matches.

The House voted 138-0 to pass HB 1937 to make it a “criminal act for security personnel to touch a person’s private areas without probably cause as a condition of travel or as a condition of entry into a public place.” The bill was headed to the Senate where it was expected to breeze through without much comment or nay votes.

Without much hesitation, the federal government stepped in and said that it would cancel all flights in order to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.

The government basically did what it had to do to: 1) Keep airports open, and 2) ensure safety of travelers and airline employees.

Of course, the blustering from legislators was at nuclear-force levels. Rep. David Simpson’s staff said the Department of Justice had “thrown down the gauntlet” in using start language to oppose the bill.

Are passengers supposed to be thrilled at airport pat-downs and scans? Absolutely not. So far, have they proven effective in maintaining security and safety of travelers? Yes, definitely.

Simpson, who is either planning a run for a higher state office, or is a goofy as an addled barn rat, actually compared the battle against the feds to the Texas revolutionary war against Mexico.

Somehow “Save our genitals from pat downs!” just does not have the short-term and long-term visceral impact as does “Remember the Alamo!”


patted gently
by employees of TSA,
raise a major ruckus in
Texas Legislature. All to
no avail. Feds
say 'hands

expects to
retaliate with program
about rights of individuals.
Slogan: 'You can touch my
genitals when you pry
my cold, dead
hands off

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lowku: Ode to apathy

ranks high
in the election
of public officials everywhere.
Local voters are no different,
no better, no worse.
but their non-decisions
affect them

have changed.
If you didn’t
vote in recent elections,
then your right to bitch
has been totally rescinded.
In plain language:
just shut

Don’t make fun of religious beliefs

I work hard at forcing myself not making fun of any religions. Because, actually, I’m hedging my bets about which religion is right and which is way ooooooutttttt there.

I have some do’s and don’ts about my personal beliefs. For example, I don’t believe the Bible, or any holy book for that matter, really teaches that men should have multiple spousal units. Shoot, most of us can’t handle one with staying in trouble all the time.

And I don’t believe that if I blow myself up in a crowd and kill umpteen people that I am a martyr and will have a bevy of virgins waiting for me in that religion’s rendition of heaven. As the old-timey gospel song says, “I wanna go to heaven, I just don’t want to go right now.”

I do make fun of televangelists of just about any religious persuasion – from Jim Bakker to Jerry Falwell, from Jimmy Swaggart to Joel Osteen, from Oral Roberts to Ernest Ainsley. I don’t apologize for the fact that I find that oldies and newbies really funny at times. It all boils down to the fact that I’ve always had a problem with people telling me to send money to God and then giving me an address in Dallas or Charlotte or Hollywood.

I believe in Judgment Day, but believe it is on an individual basis, not on a Saturday in May. That’s want a large number of kooks around the world believed this last week
A group of so-called Christians proclaimed that May 21 was Rapture Day. That’s the word from Harold Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer who founded the Family Radio Network. Camping broadcast his message of Rapture-ing around the world … and a bunch of people bought it.

Camping wanted to be jerked to Jesus on a certain time and hour with true followers of the Christian faith. It did not dissuade some folks that Camping also predicted the end of time in 1994 … but when time marched on 27 years ago, some convenient oh-well excuse led the way to the 2011 prediction.

Simply, if Jesus returned to Earth last Saturday, he did it incognito and probably wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

Who believed this claptrap? Marie Exley, for one. Marie left her home in Colorado last year to join Family Radio's effort to publicize the message, just returned from a lengthy overseas trip that included stops in the Middle East, where she put up billboards in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.

Before Saturday she said, "I decided to spend the last few days with my immediate family and fellow believers. Things started getting more risky in the Middle East when Judgment Day started making the news."

The prediction has been publicized in almost every country, said Chris McCann, who works with eBible Fellowship, one of the groups spreading the message. "The only countries I don't feel too good about are the `stans' -- you know, Afghanizatan, Uzbekistan, those countries in Central Asia," he said.

McCann spent Saturday with his family, reading the Bible and praying. His fellowship met for the last time earlier last week. ”We had a final lunch and everyone said goodbye," he said. "We don't actually know who's saved and who isn't, but we won't gather as a fellowship again."

On the other side of the religious spectrum, a host of Rapture Parties were held, betting the Glory Train wouldn’t show up before the party was over. It turned out to be a good, sound bet.

At least one entrepreneur found a way to make some money off the rapture story. Bart Centre from New Hampshire founded “Eternal Earth-bound Pets a couple of years ago and pledged to take care of pets left behind when their owners ascended into heaven.

At more than $100 a pet, he garnered more about 260 clients. That’s $26,000.

And there are those who think God doesn’t have a sense of humor.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You can’t make this *&^( up!

A man with a Yemeni passport tried to break down a cockpit door on an airliner. Witnesses said he shouted “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest) as he banged against the door. He was, of course, arrested upon landing.

A spokesman for the family said, “Maybe he was looking for the bathroom.”

Plausible. Many of the Earth’s inhabitants have prayed or praised the God of their faith while looking for a bathroom.

Please, just cool it!

The political palaver in Washington-on-the-Deficit is mind-boggling in its abject stupidity.

President Obama recently got into the thick of the word-war by mocking GOPers who are constantly clamoring for better border security. “Maybe they’ll want a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat,” he told a gathering in El Paso.

Maybe, just maybe, we ought to take vote a moat and alligators to protect American citizens. Bet you a barrel of nickels the vast majority of Americans would want that moat and alligators … built around Washington to protect us from elected officials.”

I’ll have the special, please.

A man in Augusta, Georgia in a state of dehydration was found at his home by an air conditioner repair. The home in this case was the roof of a Waffle House.

Cops and firemen assisted the man down from his “home.”

Living on the roof of a Waffle House?

Well, it IS called a “house.”

No Western influence here

One of Osama bin Laden’s many sons says the family may sue the U.S. for killing his father. He claims his father’s burial at sea “demeans” his family.

Oh, wow, let us conjure up some tears before continuing.

(Tried. Nothing.)

For one of his interviews, bin Laden’s fourth eldest son of the al-Qaeda leader chose his wardrobe carefully. On a t-shirt he was wearing were two words … and they were not “Alluha Akbar.”

Rather, “Calvin Klein.”

Fashion statement over substance, mayhaps?

Monday, May 9, 2011

A martyr deserves the best

got Osama.
Don't mince words,
give the men their
due. Obama did his job
ordering Osama dead.
Osama did his --
died on

got Muslim
wish, died a
martyr, ascended into heaven
where virgins greeted him warmly.
Whoa! Where's the girls?
Who ordered all
the durn

Give me a freakin’ break!

What has happened to this country when personal philosophies cloud common sense, rational thought and simple reasoning?

I received an email from a near-relative the other day who was ranting about President Obama taking credit for Osama bin Laden heading due UP to meet that bevy of Muslim virgins. “The liberal news media doesn’t get it! Obama used information from President Bush to get bin Laden. Yet Obama doesn’t give Bush credit!”

Whoa! Back up. Of course, the collected intel from the past decade could have contained a germ or two of information that could have assisted in the location of the dirty little al-Qaeda coward. But let’s not forget that it was Obama who ramped up the search for bin Laden; it was Obama who told the CIA to make it a top priority to located the man; it was Obama who ordered the raid that resulted in him deader than a doorknob.

And, Tea Party wingers, it was Obama that Dick “Shoot Anything that Moves” Cheney praised for the mission, and that former President George Bush complimented for a successful mission.

Of course, the U.S. attack team carried out the mission, a mission that never would have been ordered if Obama did not give his explicit approval.

You don't have to like the man who is president of the United States. But have enough class to say “good job” when his order is responsible for the death of this country Public Enemy No. 1.

On that note …

In the U.S. the Freak-Out Alert is at an all time high.

In the past week, stupid people are leaving notes with the word “bomb” in restrooms of plans, stupid people are wandering off into subway tunnels causing major panic, bomb threats diverted plans, stupid people were arrested for videotaping TSA procedures at an airport ….

And the list continues.

Where are we going to get the message: Bomb scares are never funny. Testing a safety system is never a smart idea. Freakin’ out over an innocuous event is as dumb as a square bowling ball.

Be aware of your surroundings. Be cautious. But, above all, don’t go something stupid.

And, on that note …

Those that rant and rave about the security procedures at domestic airports, be thankful for the extra scrutiny. If they had been in place before 10 years ago, 9/11 might have been prevented.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jeers and cheers

Time to pull some doozies out of the old Opinion Hat and cast some jeers and cheers.

JEER: Mother Nature gets the natural raspberry for her repeated assault on the South with a string of tornados that left hundreds dead.

CHEER: To those who survived and immediately went to work putting their lives back together and to the thousands of volunteers who are working to assist in the clean-up and recovery effort simply because it’s the right thing to do.

JEER: Donald Trump and every single person that thinks he’s a viable candidate. He is a loudmouthed braggart who couldn’t win an election for Head Cat Stroker without payoffs. He’s only in the discussion for president because every other Republican candidate – announced and unannounced – are so very weak.

CHEER: To every potential voter who has already disregarded Trump and pushed him rightfully into a third party: the Blowhard Party.

JEER: To anyone who truly believes that the Constitution of the United States gives citizens the rights to assault weapons, explosive devices and weapons of mass destruction.

JEER: To all the Americans who became so infatuated with the Prince Andrew and Lady Kate wedding. Hey, “royalty” is just a term; no real power connected to it.

JEER: EXXON earned nearly $11 billion in the first quarter of 2011! $11 billion! The company had the audacity of saying it had no control over the price of oil. But it didn’t say it had control at the gas pump. Gas bags!

JEER: To all the addle-headed conspiracy theorist who could not get it through their dunderheads that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

CHEER: Can’t think of any offhand. Let’s go back to Jeer.

JEER: Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to teach acting classes at homeless shelter as part of her community service for being stupid … over and over again. And, who said she can act, anyway?

JEER: To President Obama and every single member of Congress for their inability to run government as a business with one simple rule: You can’t spend money you don’t have. Period.

Stupid is as stupid does

Here’s some handfuls of stupid for you:

Stupid issue No. 1

The White House says the photograph of a dead Osama bin Laden is "gruesome" and that "it could be inflammatory" if released.

"Inflammatory?" Nothing we do or don't do is going to make the fanatical Muslims less or more fanatical. Who cares if they are "inflamed?" What are they gonna do? Blow themselves up twice?

You can't appease people who think suicide is some sort of religious ceremony and think that a bevy of virgins are going to be waiting for them on the other side.

Stupid issue No. 2

From a Facebook posting: Why give Obama credit for getting bin Laden? Didn’t the military do that?

It’s called military protocol. President Obama ordered bin Laden to be a high priority target and ordered the assault.

Stupid issue No. 3
From a Facebook posting: George Bush would’ve made sure the military got all the credit for getting bin Laden.

Bush sent Obama a congratulatory note praising the efforts of him and the military. Classy act. Bush, at least, understand the role of the commander in chief in such secret undertakings.

Stupid issue No. 4

Donald Trump said he still believes there is a good chance Obama was not born in Hawaii.

To quote you, The Donald, you’re fired!

Stupid issue No. 5

Some Native Americans are blasting the U.S. military for using a specific code name for the bin Laden mission: Geronimo.

Taken from a different perspective, it’s a complement. “Geronimo was a warrior chief who used a small band of Indians to fight a hated enemy and was successful time after time. What would they rather the mission be named? Custer?

Stupid issue No. 6

Some news organizations question whether or not newspapers should publish photos of a dead bin Laden.

While this is always a personal policy call by news organizations, it’s a slippery slope, for sure. The mainstream news media entered an era of decorum in 1967 when newspapers all over the world ran a photo of the car accident in which actress Jayne Mansfield was killed. Not only was Mansfield’s decapitated head sitting where the windshield had been, but some newspapers pointed it out by cutline information and an arrow just in case the casual viewer might miss it.

Today, thank goodness, pictures that are published for shock value only are relegated to the supermarket tabloids.