Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Help us, somebody!

It’s gasket-blowing time.

Are you upchuck-sick yet about partisan politics? You know, the type of politics where if I’m for something, you are automatically against it, regardless of what IT is?

The recent along-party-line vote Washington-on-the-Deficit on the Stimuless Package was so full of shameless vitriol it would curdle fresh milk.

In Arkansas, a hefty tax on tobacco passed – barely – with all but a couple of Republicans voting against the increase. Let’s put it in perspective everyone can understand: A vote against a hike in tobacco taxes is a vote for more people dying. A vote against a hike in tobacco taxes is a vote declaring that smoking is A-OK.

Smoking and smoke-related illnesses cause more deaths per year than alcohol and ncreases the health bill paid for by taxpayers into the fiscal stratosphere. Smoking is as addictive as crystal meth.

Understanding that making it illegal won’t work (it’s a replay of alcohol prohibition), using the deadly product should cost an arm and a leg (not to mention a lung or two) to create an environment of abstinence.

There is not one good thing about tobacco. Not one. Except taxing the fool out of it brings revenue to the state coffers.

Fun time in DeeCee
Talk about petty!

A photo of President Obama in the Oval Office working in his shirt sleeve has created a hissy-fit from Bushites.

Seems the Gone GOPers are upset at O’Bama’s casual approach – no suit coat at times – to providing decorum to the presidency.

Yeppers, that’s what I’d be doing if I had just been kicked in the teeth by the electorate, worry about something petty instead of about something serious. What would that be, you ask? How about the economy for starters.

If Obama can work through the nation’s overbearing ills better in a muscle shirt, Speedoes and sandals made from retread tires, then he should have our blessings.

What the president wears matters little when one rises above partisan pettiness and starts caring about the problems with which this administration was left.

Oh, just for the record, Bush never looked comfortable in a suit and tie. And he was photographed in shirt sleeves in the Oval Office on occasion.

Somebody, get the detractors of the new president a life.

Leggies are amazing
when they convene

Every time the Arkansas Legislature comes to town, it’s like watching one of those circus Clown Cars: Bumbleflew followed by Fussbudget followed Ms. Disaster followed by Shinola … ah, you get the picture.

Count on the legislature for three things: Eating free food provided by lobbyists, bringing forth some asinine bill that puts salve on individual lobbying efforts and practicing the not-so-subtle art of righteous indignation.

If you have never gone down to House of Foggynotion on the Hill (better known as the State Capitol) when the legislature is in session, now’s a good time to take in one of the true Arkansas sights.

Without attempting to be funny or mean-spirited, exhibits of common sense in the House and Senate are as evasive as the ivory-billed woodpecker. It’s all about me and mine when it’s voting time. Not much time left over to consider you and yours.

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