Friday, July 30, 2010

Circumference of Me - Part 3 of a multi-part series

By George S. Smith and Steve Burnett

3 Know thyself

Who are you? Why are you doing what you’re doing? Are you happy doing it, and, if not, why are you doing it?

Okay, so you work for a business or association and you have a five-word title, or aspire to having one – manager/senior manager/director/vice president and general manager of something and something. The company has you lined up to be on an MBO plan and, sometime in the future you may be eligible for a car allowance, stock options … and more.

You have arrived. Or plan to do so quickly.

Before you get too cocky, check your image in the mirror. Do you see an aura of success (regal purple with gold piping, perhaps) encapsulating your body? A competent manager with a reassuring smile that bespeaks volumes of positive accolades from co-workers and high-level management? Confidence you can sell by the pound?

Let’s take it for granted: You are a confident manager or well on your way of becoming one. Your walk, talk, and mannerisms portray success for all to see.

Look at me! Please! Now! I am the picture of success! If not yet, soon!

But, confidence aside, you have weaknesses. If this is a revelation, you are already in trouble. Everyone has weaknesses.

If asked to name your Top 5 weaknesses, personality or professional traits that could prohibit you from climbing the tenuous business ladder more than a few additional rungs, what would you say? Have you given any thought to your weaknesses and, if so, are you confident enough to voice them aloud? (In a room with a closed door doesn’t count.)

If your idea is a good one … will you let it be known?

More importantly, do others – co-workers, supervisor, top management – know your weaknesses? Are they waiting/hoping that you have what it takes to minimize weaknesses or turn them into strengths? Or, do they simply not care one way or the other?

Far too many managers don’t take the time, nor have the inclination, to focus on the personal traits that have helped carve the personal career path that led to their present position. And, those same managers are usually not interested in a self-analysis to determine if those basic traits will allow them to reach future personal and professional goals.

To be a success, a self-analysis is not only a fundamental right of passage, but also a necessity. There is nothing tougher than for a person to go through a personal self-analysis. The mere suggestion may be a scary as thinking about sliding down a giant razorblade naked.

Some psychologists claim an objective self-analysis is impossible. It is in their best interest to think that and promote that premise. The psychologists are right in one respect: There are people who can’t see their own weaknesses; therefore they believe they don’t exist. They are wrong, but these are the same people who won’t admit to ever making a mistake.

While an extremely uncomfortable undertaking, looking at one’s self with an objective eye in the psyche mirror is possible. It takes a strong heart, a stronger will, a solid mind, a strong sense of self-worth, and the understanding how stripping away personal veneer can be a cathartic experience, not an embarrassing one.

Take a chance, strip away your emotional veneer and see what lies underneath.
Spend the time and emotional commitment to analyze yourself before someone with a bigger title does it for you.

Next: You’re terrified? Good!

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