Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Speaking of the truth ….

A truism is something that is true. It does not become true simply because one says, thinks or believes it is untrue.

A truism is truth, unvarnished and naked in its simplicity.

Everyone has a few supposed truisms hidden in their mental and verbal arsenal. Some are true, some aren’t. Over the past several decades, a list of truisms, started during a pique of skepticism and nurtured in negativism, has grown appreciably.

The fact the following list mainly deals with politics and personalities and should surprise no one. If it does, you need psychological help.

Truisms – No dispute accepted nor tolerated

1) If Congress were to be on the same retirement system as non-elected folk, there would be no problem with Social Security.
2) If the Green Party would nominate candidates that looked and acted quasi-normal, the party might elect a few politicians.
3) A Republican who follows his/her party line 80 percent of the time ain’t worth a cup of dog drool.
4) Democrats, ditto.
5) Anyone who blames Obama for every ill this country is facing is dead-dog wrong.
6) Anyone who blames George W. Bush for 100 percent of the mess Obama inherited is dead-dog wrong.
7) There is no logical reason why IRS filings should not be limited to what information can fit on a postcard.
8) A majority of politicians in Washington are bought and paid for by lobbyists.
9) A majority of lobbyists in Washington have the brains of an earthworm, the ethics of a New Orleans pimp and the conscience of a born-again terrorist.
10) Anyone who votes a straight party ticket has as much common sense
as a demented mole. No party is right 100 percent of the time.
11) Term limits for Senators and members of the House are essential to
reforming politics.
12) There are more people driving cars in the United States with
handicapped stickers than there are handicapped people in the world.
13) Sarah Palin’s main attribute is that she has a memorable accent and is
as perky as all get-out.
14) Dick Cheney is not the devil. The jury is still out on Karl Rove.
15) Obama is a citizen of the United States, is not a Muslim and can not
help what his parents named him.
16) Henry Waxman has the ugliest nose in Washington. Strike that. Make
it “the world.”
17) Nancy Pelosi is the worst Speaker of the House of Representatives
since the last one.
18) More people vote “against” a certain candidate for any office than
vote “for” any candidate.
19) The concept of “justice for all” in this country is a myth. If you’re
rich, you can take advantage of the system; if you are poor, you get
to meet Big Wanda or Big Bubba in the prison shower up close and

And, one for the road:

20) The “value” of a human life is decreasing constantly and criminals are allowed to literally get away with murder, literally and figuratively. Lawyers are allowed to manipulate the judicial system to benefit them and their clients and judges think lenient sentences for heinous crimes are somehow “justice.”

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