Thursday, July 15, 2010

Want a good rant? Fine! Here!

Land of the free. Home of the brave.

Yeah! Right! (Proving once and for all that two positive can make a negative.)

America today is more like the home of the freebie, home of the greedy.

Look around you. What in name of Jezebel’s housecat has happened to our country?

One word: Politics.

It’s bad enough we are limited to two lame parties with screeching leaders with less common sense than a herd of demented rhesus monkeys, but we have a mindless population that follow those leaders like blindfolded kindergarten rejects.

We elect leaders who claim to have our best interests in mind, when, in actuality, their personal interests and those of their monied minders are paramount. We elect those leaders expecting them to make changes and all they do is raise taxes and spend time figuring out how to emerge from politics richer than when they went in.

We elect the yahoos and yahooettes to make our country a better place in which to live and all they do is spend tax dollars like they print the durn things at projects on which any competent businessperson would take a pass.

We vote for Bert and Beulah Bureaucrat. We smile as they sally forth to do battle with the Budget Dragon … and then add to the burden with pet projects of dubious nature so they can get re-elected for bringing home tax dollar-sponsored projects.

We make fun of members of the opposite party from our beliefs or raisin’s while lauding the attributes of favorite politicians without ever realizing that they are the same mutant critters with different political labels.

There is absolutely no difference in a Democrat who pushes a welfare program for which there is no need, or a Republican who wants a tax break for big business. It’s all politics and the shifty voting moves are to get the respective officials re-elected.

It’s politics and it’s shameful.

Rant over. Now go on back out and re-elect those good politicians that are doing right by you and this country.

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