Thursday, July 21, 2011

The more things change …

(Note: Marshall, Texas, as noted by Bill Moyers, is a place where my heart returns when it is in need of a goodly serving up of memories.)

Twenty years ago I left Marshall after a decade of living, loving and laughing in my favorite town on earth. Every community ... EVERY community ... has its share of smiley times and warts. Marshall is no exception. Observations from long distance reveal the following:

1) Marshall is still a stable population town. As the old joke goes, seems like every time a baby is born, some man leaves town. And it’s still a town where the only population growth is in the cemetery.
2) A majority of local politicians still think they are omnipotent and that the public is a herd of dunces that needs to be treated like mushrooms…kept in the dark and covered in, well, euphemistically speaking, fertilizer.
3) The town still is in need of a few good funerals to get it untracked and on a progressive path.
4) The progressive volunteer spirit of community activists – those that are visible and many more who work behind the scenes – is as active as ever.
5) The next generations of movers-and-shakers are following in the steps of their predecessors, some immersing themselves in good works, some working from the perspective of maintaining the family history linked to greed, turf, territory and ego.

1) Downtown is more vibrant with new restaurants, shops, events and attractions.
2) Downtown doin’s have grown exponentially. Fun on the streets!
3) The total aura and majesty of Wonderland of Lights declined dramatically, but is now on the uptick.
4) The FireAnt Festival has become “just another festival.”
5) The Courthouse Museum finally is living up to its potential.
6) Downtown bathrooms are looking like they will be a reality.
7) Ms. Chuck Wilson is still plying her personal form of racism in order to maintain her high Look-At-Me!-I’m A Black Leader! profile.
8) At one time, City Hall officials had a clue. With a few exceptions, officials now advocate and hold firm to a know-nothing philosophy.
9) King Richard is no longer holding court.
10) The local media no longer leads the charge to help create a better community, but seems content to sit back, observe and comment.
11) The resurrection of Weisman’s into a gathering place is a true wonder.

But the most drastic and visible change, and also the biggest (pun intended) change is the fact there’s definitely more cleavage in the area now than there was “back in the day.” (See photo gallery at

1 comment:

  1. I think you are going to want to change that one about the FireAnt Festival this year after the way Second Saturday has been doing, Boogie Woogie has been doing and the Boo Benefit has grown as well. FireAnt festival may have needed the boost for people being in the region from the other two, but I have a good feeling it will provide it's fair share of buzz after it's over.
