Monday, October 5, 2009

Can't we all just be nice?

Where’s the civility?

The beginning of the end of personal civility in this country began exactly … when?

Was it when General George Washington found out that Benedict Arnold switched side during the Revolutionary War and swore, “Damn his eyes!”? Or maybe before that, when Christopher Columbus screamed obscenities at Native Americans (then referred to as Indians) when he became ill after eating some rancid maize”

No matter, really, the Era of Civility ended sometime between the Chicago Mob Wars of the ‘20s and ‘30s and when President Richard Nixon decided to turn the White House into a Haunted House of Stupid Ideas. Every president since, regardless of party, has felt the sharp cuts of unfettered public criticism … some deserved, some not.

George Bush Sr., will be remembered for trying to sell his second term by promising states massive federal assistance and promising rich backers special favors. Bill Clinton will forever be linked with Monica Lewinski instead of the peace and prosperity that was center of this term. The second George Bush had marbles in his mouth and his mind and tongue were not always in sync, but he wasn’t as dumb as his detractors said, and not as heroic as lip-servants like Rush Limbaugh claimed.

And, Barack Obama is guilty of trying to push too many projects too fast and making a righteous mess of it. But despite the vitriolic rants of Hannity and Rush and Glenn, he’s not the New Devil or a pure-bred socialist.

Where as the civility gone? Whatever happened to “please” and “thank you” as part of basic requests? When did we stop saying “thanks” for efforts rather than screaming obscenities at those who offend us?

A man in a fast food restaurant recently asked a couple to refrain from cursing because of the slowness of service, citing the presence of children nearby. The couple beat the man for his interference.

The mother of a nine-year-old baseball player attacked the umpire who called her son out at home plate, stabbing the woman with a ballpoint pen.

A U.S. representative calls Obama a liar during the president’s speech to a joint meeting of Congress.

Regardless of one’s personal political convictions, it is not acceptable to lie about an issue, a politician’s stance on issue, or about the personal life of politicians. Yet, those nefarious actions, some unintentional, some on purpose, go on all the time.

Leonard Pitts, a columnist for a national chain of newspapers, recently wrote that commentators on Fox News misrepresent the truth … and downright lie to push the right-wing agenda.

In June Bill O’Reilly said he never called murdered abortion doctor George Tiller “a baby killer.” He did on his television show … more than 24 times.

Glenn Beck questions why the United States has automatic citizenship from birth? “We’re the only country in the world that has it? Actually, 33 other countries have automatic citizenship from birth, including Canada.

Sean Hannity said the Cash for Clunkers program allowed picking up a junker from a junkyard, dragging it to a dealership to get $4,500. Not true, Sean. The program required the car be drivable and have been registered for the previous year.

It is a fact that every news organization – from the Dallas Morning News to the San Francisco Chronicle to the Jefferson Jimplecute to the Chicago Tribune – gets a story wrong on occasion. This would not be true if humans were removed from the chores with writing, editing and placing the news.

What Americans should be afraid of in today’s got-cha society is people, journalists, commentators, lying to make a point.

Don’t take blatant statements as fact. Check them out at various websites set up for that very purpose.

Don’t be a zombie follower of a religious/political belief. Read. Learn. And pass on the knowledge.

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