Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The lies and the liars who tell them

Gun reform.

It’s really a no-brainer but the discussion is being controlled by people with no brains and no compunction against lying to get what they want.

Under present law, you go into a gun store and have to pass a background check to get a gun; you can go to gun show and purchase assault weapons from private owners, no questions asked; guns are bought and sold on the internet every day with no checks.

A majority of Americans, including a vast majority of members of the National Rifle Association (NRA), are in favor of universal background checks. It’s just common sense: If law-abiding, gun-owning citizens are in favor of background checks, why wouldn’t their elected officials follow their lead?

One word: Fear. A majority of our elected senators and representatives are so afraid of being ousted from office by a well-heeling lobbying group for a perceived “anti-gun” vote, that they will bow down to lobby groups like the NRA in order to stay in power.

It makes no difference what is right or wrong; it’s what is politically expedient.

It is a fact that the NRA is an organization of liars, headed by liars who perpetuate lies in order to scare gun owners. The NRA is on record as stating that the newest attempt to ensure background checks of persons buying weapons in all venues is an attempt to “register and confiscate” weapons.

That’s a lie. The law that Congress is/was considering would make it a major federal crime for any public official to attempt to use background checks to “register” gun purchases.

It is a fact of our political system that lobbyists exist to spread information – as well as disinformation – to sway public and political opinion to the argument being presented by their employers. It is a fact that lobbyists lie in order to do their job.

As long as there are no term limits, and politicians have to face re-election on a regular basis, lobbyists and their money and ability to marshal forces for or against a particular candidate will run our government on the two-pronged platform of money and fear.

Gun reform. Immigration. Finance reform. Abortion. Gay rights. All these controversial topics, among others, attract money to support various views and lobbyists do whatever it takes to push their clients’ agenda.

The lack of term limits for elected officials and the influence of lobbyists on the political system minimalize the opinion of every voting American on some level.
Dispensing information so that all sides of an issue is explored is good business and a symptom of good government. Lying to get what you want and using scare tactics and threats is abominable.

We should all be ashamed for allowing it to proliferate in our society.

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