Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh, my! The evils of politics

Herman Cain's brief flash of light on the national political arena will start ebbing quickly not that "they" have uncovered some dirt on the conservative GOPer.

"They." You know "them," right? Those nefarious nabobs who delight in digging up dirt on those that throw themselves on the alter of Super Political Power and strive for the gold ring of the presidency.

Well, "they" have let leak that two women have accused Cain of sexual harassment when he was in the private sector. Pshaw and bother! That can't be right, right? It's just the left leading with a right cross and trying to knock the current golden boy out of the Republican lead?

Without going into too many cliches -- smoke/fire and all that -- it is safe to assume that Cain, who has changed his story more times than Bill Clinton in his sex scandal days, did do something that was not aboveboard. Despite his pompous and absolute denial of any wrongdoing, and hasty subsequent retreats from those absolute denials, the association which which he was associated did give at least one woman a year's salary as a settlement. Smoke/fire. Remember?

Cain, like most self-important people who think they can do no wrong, and if they do wrong they can hide or run from it, has dug himself a hole full of gasoline.

And, he can only blame himself for lighting the match and trying to blame the mess on the match manufacturer.

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