Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Let's talk 'stupid!'

To quote that philosopher Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.

On the International Abject Stupidity Scale (IASS), with 10 being Stephen Hawkings and 1 being a statement by the late Bubba June McClintock, who used to live just south of Marshall, who once said, “Hold my beer and watch this!”, there are a lot of folks in the 1 to 2 range.

To wit:

To all those folks that voted Bristol Palin as the best dancer on the newest version of “Dancing With the Stars,” a rousing, romping 1.

To all those hapless folks who pick up urban legend information from the Internet and pass it along as gospel, a single, solitary digit.

I don’t even have to tell you the score of the man who called the cops to complain about the performance … of the prostitute he hired to come to his hotel room.

To all those Democrats who think/thought Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did a good job … aw, you know the score to that one.

To all voters who think that changing the makeup of the House of Representatives is going to do one single bit of good or make any significant positive change in the responsiveness of government … see the scoring of the item above.

The Federal Aviation official(s) who decided to approve “re-entry” into the earth’s atmosphere for planned commercial flights to outer space get a 1 and a big ol’ “DUH!” for that earth-shaking decision.

To the Transportation Security Authority screener who decided to pat down former presidential contender Ron Paul, who is so right-wing he can fly only in circles, and “touched his junk,” as the kids used to like to say, an incredulous .5.

But, then, there are some folks who score high on the scale.

Like the female passenger who recently decided to bypass the chance of a hard pat-down at the Los Angeles airport and went through security clad only in a black bikini.

It’s hard not to applaud the free-thinkers who circulate through our world who make the rest of us smile.

Oh, what the heck: Clapclapclapclapclap.

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