Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Poor, pitiful us

It’s a simple, complex sentence, really.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Okay, we all understand all that. It’s the law and … well, big whoop.

But what about another “Congress shall make no law …” that the Constitution framers forgot.

Congress shall make no law that affects the citizenry that does not equally affect the elected members of Congress, and all elected and appointed officials of the federal government.

Where’s that law, huh?


Congress shall pass no law that uses taxpayer money to enrich its members, relying on the goodwill and fairness of the American people to set salaries for elected officials.

Elected officials think, nay, believe, they are better than average citizens and they prove it every time they pass a law that benefits them and excludes the citizens.

For example: Congress is not governed by the Social Security laws. If they were, do you think there would be a problem with Social Security?

Congress passes laws in virtually every session that binds the country’s citizens to the will and whim of the elected, but excludes the elected from the boundaries of those very same law.

Why do they think they can do that? Because they can and the people allow it. And, those that we put in office will continue to do so because the people of this country have become a pack of sheep, dutifully, blindly, following the bell sheep to the slaughter pens.

It is amazing to think that there are people out there who truly and honestly believe that slashing the Democratic majority in Congress will change one single thing in the way government is run.

It won’t. It will change the faces and positions of the main power brokers, but it will not change the way members of Congress enriches themselves on the backs of the taxpayers.

This is a trick question, now, so pay attention: Can you name one politician who went to Washington and returned home with less money than they went there with? Forget ending a sentence with a preposition! This is serious and grammar rules be damned.

The system – Demogogues, Republicrats, TeaHee Partiers … they are all the same, all spouting political pabulum and selling it as steak. And we keep paying steak prices for gruel.

Poor, ignorant, misguided, bamboozled … us.

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